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  1. Kieran
    08/09/2021 @ 9:07 PM

    What a great article!!
    I am looking at setting up my car with a 12V setup and this has given me so many great ideas!!

    I would be interested in what size wire you are running through out and where you have got all of your main fuses located!!


    • Peter
      09/09/2021 @ 4:45 PM

      G’day Kieran,

      Thanks for the feedback mate, really appreciate it.

      Wire sizes change depending on what they are being used for. So for example, the wires for our 12V outputs (USB etc) are around a 3/3.5mm wire. You can probably go smaller but just check the rated Amps on the wires and compare this to the 12V item you are installing. For our inverter the wires are massive due to the amount of Amps being drawn from the battery. All our accessory fuses for everything connected to the second battery are located beside the battery. You should be able to see the fuse box in the header image of this post just to the right of the battery. Fuses for the inverter and DCDC charger are larger fuses so these are mounted out of the way on our drawers.

      Hope that helps mate.




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