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  1. Joe Stokes
    14/06/2023 @ 6:00 PM

    As a first timer to the Simpson Desert driving a 200 series this is a very helpful & informative post. Thank you. FYI We plan to cross conservatively from west to east via the French & QAA lines but will no doubt return to do the madigan line with more experience under our belt.


    • Peter
      06/07/2023 @ 9:12 AM

      G’day Joe,

      Thanks for reading and your feedback, much appreciated.

      Good luck on your first Simpson Desert crossing, you will hopefully love it. Probably the best route to do your first crossing, as there are always a few other people about if you ever run into any issues. There is also plenty to see and do along that route with a good start at Dalhousie and an amazing finish at Big Red and Birdsville. Just plan on using 25 litres to 100 kms and you will have plenty of fuel left over.

      Enjoy the adventure and thanks again for reading.




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