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  1. James
    09/05/2022 @ 11:35 AM

    Thanks for the recipe – we tried it on a short trip to the Blue Mountains over the weekend. It was great – super easy in our dutch oven, and tasted amazing. Just what we needed, as it’s starting to get pretty chilly up there. By the way, love your content, it’s very informative, and beautifully presented – I can see you put a lot of effort into it. We just got our 76 in December and it’s helped us quite a bit with set up choices, like your post on snorkels – we went with the TJM after seeing your review 🙂 Cheers from Sydney.


    • Peter
      09/05/2022 @ 1:24 PM

      G’day James,

      Mate, we really appreciate your message! It does make the time and effort we have put into the blog seem worthwhile getting feedback like yours. Great to know that someone out there is finding the content useful.

      Glad you tried the recipe and it came out a treat. This one is a staple for us in the cooler months, so quick and easy, and always comes out good. I do like it as you can use a cheap cut of beef and it still comes out nice and tender with a long cook time. It is a perfect one for winter.

      Congrats on the 76 purchase and welcome to the money pit, haha. The TJM snorkel is the best choice in my opinion, no cutting and easy to do a self install. Safari lovers will tell you they get more performance out of there’s compared to the TJM option. But that is nonsense. We proved that with the performance gains we got through Just Autos, it came in exactly the same as any other 70 Series with a Safari snorkel. If you ever have any questions please let me know, always happy to help where I can. There are lots of posts we need to get up re the 76 build, so hopefully when I get the time I will get them up.

      Thanks again for your feedback mate and thank you for reading.




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