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  1. Steve
    07/06/2023 @ 6:34 PM

    Yeah, no air bubbles when I use the hand-pump and clear hose straight into the water. Must be the clipon hose connection! I’ll try some thread-seal, etc. Thanks for all your help Peter, I’ll leave you alone now haha!


  2. Steve
    18/04/2023 @ 9:46 PM


    Thanks for the post! Just wondering where you got your jerry cans from? I want ones which don’t have the optional tap outlet at the bottom, as I want zero risk of leakage from that outlet (they will be stored in the back of my ute behind my fridge, out of sight until they get used).

    Cheers and great write up!



    • Peter
      20/04/2023 @ 10:04 AM

      G’day Steve,

      Thanks for reading and the feedback mate, much appreciated.

      Our jerry cans actually do have the bung on the bottom for the option to fit a tap. So unfortunately not what you are looking for. They are Australian made and have not had any issues with leaks after more than 30,000kms of travel in all sorts of conditions and stored in multiple locations, on the roof, in the vehicle, and on our camper trailer.

      The ones we use are the Supex brand, they aren’t cheap but so far they have worked well.





      • Steve
        01/05/2023 @ 10:39 AM

        Hey Peter, thanks for your response. Sorry for the late reply, but I was expecting some kind of email notification that I had got a reply, but never got one, so didn’t think anyone had replied.

        Ok, I guess I might just have to accept the bottom hole, and just silicone it up or something. I’ll just have to find the right sized threads etc now!




        • Peter
          17/05/2023 @ 11:52 AM

          No worries Steve. Good luck with it all.


          • Steve
            25/05/2023 @ 9:43 PM

            Hey Peter,

            I’ve completed the setup, and now have an extra 40L of water available on my truck. However, I get significant airbubbles coming through my hose, did you experience that? I’m wondering if the air is getting in somewhere around the clipon hose attachment?



          • Peter
            07/06/2023 @ 7:10 AM

            Hi Steve,

            Sorry for the late reply, I have been away travelling.

            I have not had any issues with air bubbles. I do make sure that when pumping the opposite cap is loosened. But it could be as you have suggested, through the hose attachment. It will have to be a bit of trial and error to resolve the issue unfortunately.



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