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  1. Josie
    01/09/2022 @ 2:48 PM

    We are in the planning stage, checking outs app’s, websites free camping , pub stays , should I be taking notes on where people stay / recommend or are most sites / back of pubs/ Showgrounds etc are listed on Wikicamps . There are so many it’s confusing, where I should google!! Do you suggest wikicamps for us newbies to travelling distances , free camping. It’s abit scary! Thanks


    • Peter
      01/09/2022 @ 3:00 PM

      G’day Josie,

      Exciting times for you. It can be a bit nerve racking when you start doing something a little different.

      My advice to you is pay for WikiCamps (we are not affiliated in any way) it is cheap and it will be extremely useful. You can download the app data so you still have all the information available if you have no reception. You will find most main campsites will be on WikiCamps as the app is used by many a grey nomad and they keep all those sort of camps up to date. Use the app to save places you like based on your filter preferences. For newbies, WikiCamps will be the best option for you for campsites and points of interest. I always make notes and use a note app on my phone if I need to make any. But buy the app and have a play around with it, you will find it is extremely helpful.

      Hope that helps.




  2. Fast Farmer
    22/08/2022 @ 4:37 PM

    Actually I find WikiCamps largely a waste of time. Seems to be dominated by nomads who only have a focus on caravans and money to pay for a site. There are many many quality camps not on there and in a way it’s a good thing because most of the campgrounds on WikiCamps seem to end up being no different to caravan park with everyone parked next to each other.


    • Peter
      22/08/2022 @ 9:57 PM

      G’day Mate,

      I suppose it really depends on where you are travelling. We find that when we head west and start to get into the outback the app can be extremely useful. Especially for finding water and a last minute campsite, although campsites when you venture that far are mostly anywhere. There are definitely an abundance of sites created by caravaners but lots of great ones as well. But yes there are many other resources that are helpful and it will really depend on the user and what they are after.

      Thanks for reading and your feedback mate, much appreciated.




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