A Guide to Getting to Fraser Island
In this post we have done a short guide on how to get to Fraser Island and the Queensland National Parks permits that you will need to get.
A Guide to Getting to Fraser Island
Fraser Island has to be one of the top 4WD and beach camping destinations in Australia. Fraser Island is the world’s largest sand island, stretching over 120km. Do not let the island maps make you think it is a short drive along the beach, this is most definitely not the case.
Fraser Island is one of the best spots to visit in Queensland (and I am sure some people would say Australia, however we haven’t see enough of this wonderfully big country to confirm this – give us another 10 or 15 years). The island is massive, at low tide driving on the Eastern side from Hook Point at the bottom of the island all the way up to Orchid Beach (this is not even the top) takes 2 to 2 1/2 hours. There are camping spots everywhere and it will take many trips to explore the whole island. We are so lucky to have this on our door step.
This post is designed specifically to inform you on what permits you need to get and how to get to Fraser Island. If you are after information on the different spots to visit then check out our other posts that provide you all the information you need. We have done a few other posts on some of the great spots to see at Fraser Island as well trip diary stories so check them out here for some inspiration.
Permits Are Required at Fraser Island
If you plan on visiting Fraser Island you will need to get a few different permits depending on what you plan to do during your stay. We cover what permits you need and where to get them in this section.
Permits are required when you plan on:
- Driving a 4WD anywhere on the island.
- Camping at any of the many campsites on the island.
All permits need to be purchased online from Queensland National Parks. These permits need to be paid for and printed off so that you are able to visually display them on your 4WD and at your campsite. Printing off the permits helps Queensland Parks Rangers know who you are and that you have purchased the appropriate permits. DO NOT try and think you can get away without buying driving or camping permits. It is an offence if you do not purchase the relevant permits and will be fined appropriately. The fees that you pay for your permits help maintain Fraser Island’s inland tracks, boardwalks, toilet facilities, rubbish bin removal and many other things that make Fraser Island the spectacular destination that it is. Driving and camping fees are not expensive, so do your part and DO NOT try and get away without paying your fees.
Make sure you buy your permits, your fees help keep Fraser Island spectacular!
All permits can be purchases here from the Queensland National Parks online booking service. Create an account, save all your personal and vehicle registration details so that next time your booking is quick and easy. You will need to know which campsites you are going to camp in as well as the dates so that you can pre book your site as there are limited spots in each location. When booking you will be able to see the maximum number of people allowed in each camping area as well as the availability. This is a really good tool to work out how busy a spot is if you are looking for a more isolated camping experience. Booking your permits is also great as you can then be notified by email or text message if there is something that National Parks need to notify you about. This could include bush fires or something else ensuring you are kept in the loop about your planned trip.
Booking Permits Online
4WD Vehicle Permits
Every 4WD needs a permit to drive on Fraser Island. The minimum amount of time that you can get for a vehicle permits is one month. A one month vehicle permits costs approximately $53 at the time of this post. You are also able to purchase an annual permit for $270. To book a permit it is easiest to select your camping permits first and then in your shopping cart you will have an option to “Book Vehicle Permit”. You will then be able to select a permit for Fraser Island and the duration required. You will need your vehicle registration number when purchasing the permit. The vehicle permit will be called “K’gari (Fraser Island) Vehicle Access Permit”.
Camping Permits
Camping permits are booked through the same website we provided above. The easiest way to find the correct campsites is to search “Fraser” in the “Park Name” drop down menu below “Select a Region”. You should then be able to see “K’gari (Fraser Island) Recreation Area”. Select your start date and length of stay and then select Search. You will now be provided with a list of all Fraser Island camping areas and their zone numbers. Refer to the Queensland National Parks Fraser Island map here which references all these camping area names and zones. Camping fees are around $7 per person per night with discounts for families.
Once you have purchased all your permits you will receive an email with PDF copies of your receipts as well as all your relevant permits. Make sure that you print your permits as you will need to display your vehicle permit on your dash as well as your camping permit on your tent. All permits need to be displayed somewhere where the Rangers will be able to easily see them. We always have a few zip lock sandwich bags in our setup. These bags are great for displaying your camping permits as you will likely get a shower or two and the zip lock bag will keep your permit dry.
In this guide to getting to Fraser Island you will also need to purchase a ferry / barge ticket as you are going to an island after all. We discuss how to get these below.
Ferry (Barge) Tickets Getting to Fraser Island from Inskip Point vis Rainbow Beach
We always get to Fraser Island from Inskip Point via Rainbow Beach. You can also access Fraser from Hervey Bay which we are not discussing in this post as it is not a common route unless you are staying at the resort.
Manta Ray Fraser Island Barges operate the ferries that will take you and your 4WD from Inskip Point across to Hook Point on Fraser Island. You can book a ferry ticket directly with Manta Ray Barges by contacting them using the details on their website. You can also purchase tickets from Shell service station at Rainbow Beach. Depending on when you are travelling, if it is a busy period you will want to book in advance directly with Manta Ray Barges. This will ensure you do a get ticket. We usually purchase our tickets from the Shell service station as we do not often stay at Fraser Island during the school holidays. You are also able to buy tickets on the ferry but we prefer to either book directly or at the Shell so we can use credit card facilities.
Ferry tickets cost $130 per 4WD return at the time of this post. Tickets are more expensive if you are towing a camper trailer at around $230 return. You are also able to get one way tickets if you never plan on returning back to the mainland. If purchasing a ticket from Shell service station, make sure you ask for the Fraser Island map as they usually provide you with on. It is always nice to have a copy of the map if you do not already have one.
Fraser Island via Rainbow Beach (Inskip Point)
This would not really be guide to getting to Fraser Island if we did not actually tell you how to physically get there. For us to get to Fraser Island, we head out on the Bruce Highway from the Sunshine Coast (this will be the same from Brisbane) until we get to Gympie. Just before you get into Gympie and the road goes from single lane back to two lanes, you will turn right where it is clearly sign posted Rainbow Beach and Tin Can Bay. This is about a 55 minute drive from the Sunshine Coast (2 hours from Brisbane). From Gympie to Rainbow Beach you follow the clearly marked signs to Rainbow Beach, this is about a 50 minute drive.
Once you get to Rainbow Beach make sure you fill up at the Shell service station (it will be more expensive than Brisbane or Gympie) as you will want a full tank of fuel when you are on the island. At the Shell servo you can also get your barge return tickets as we discussed above. Then drive down to Inskip Point and pull into the parking lot before the beach and let your tyres down to around 18 PSI. Once your tyre pressures are where you want them, head out and join the queue waiting on the beach to get on board the Manta Ray Barge. You do hear of people getting bogged all the time at Inskip Point which we still do not understand why. Inskip Point is nothing to fear, you just need to drop your tyre pressures and engage 4WD. Most people that get bogged here are either not in 4WD, have not let their tyre pressures down, are far too overloaded or are not driving a 4WD. Yes that last one is 100% correct, we have seen it many a time.
The ferry ride will take around 15 to 20 minutes depending on the tide and wind. Ideally you want to be crossing two hours either side of low tide to make your drive easier and more enjoyable. The ferry will drop you off at Hook Point, the bottom Southern end of Fraser Island. You will then need to navigate around Hook Point and once you get to the Eastern side around the corner, off you go to find your pre booked camp spot.
Enjoy Fraser Island
Driving from Hook Point to the Maheno Wreck (Eli Creek) can take around an hour depending on the tide. From Maheno Wreck to Indian Head and Middle Rocks (Champagne Pools) this can take 45 minutes to an hour. Then the track from Middle Rocks across to Orchid Beach can take around 20 minutes. This track can be slow going as it can get rough at times. Then driving from Orchid Beach up to Sandy Cape can take an hour depending on the tide and how long it takes you to navigate through the Ngkala Rocks bypass. Don’t be an idiot here, let your tyres down to 15 PSI, make sure you have a spotter to ensure there are no cars coming the other way, and do it in low range or you will get bogged. The sand is really thick here and you need to get a good amount of momentum to get through the thick sand. In the middle of the day this will be even harder when the sand is super hot.
Please also remember that all the inland tracks at Fraser Island can take a while as you need to drive slowly. Many of these tracks are single lane and you must be on the lookout for other vehicles coming the other way. DO NOT drive fast on these inland tracks, we have had some close calls with idiots driving way too fast and almost taking us out. Keep to the left when there are multiple tracks as there will be many 4WDs towing boats and camper trailers.
Have a great trip to Fraser Island and please read the final two points we are making below to ensure that Fraser Island stays a spectacular, clean and safe place for everyone else.
- Photo by @richierichsa
- Photo by @richierichsa
Remove Your Rubbish
There are rubbish disposal bins all across Fraser Island, make sure you use them. DO NOT leave any of your litter at your campsite. Ensure that when you leave your campsite is cleaner than when you arrived. Get into this habit and you will help to keep Fraser Island clean and open to everyone. Keep it clean and everyone can enjoy one of the best camping locations in Australia.
Do Not Light Fires
Almost all camping areas at Fraser Island DO NOT allow fires. Fraser Island is a sand island and fighting fires in such conditions is extremely difficult. Do not think that you know better, fires are banned for a reason. The fires that ravaged Fraser in late 2020 were illegally started and not put put properly. The amount of damage caused by these few idiots is unimaginable. Peoples lives were put in danger and fortunately the people responsible were found and are facing serious criminal charges. DO NOT be that person, say something if you see someone doing the wrong thing and keep Fraser Island safe and open to everyone.
Thank you for reading our guide on how to get to Fraser Island. For more posts on Fraser Island have a read of our stories here. If you want to keep up to date on future posts and become apart of the 4WD Adventurer community then please join here.
Thanks for reading legends.