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  1. Boestey
    26/04/2023 @ 8:50 PM

    Thank you Peter for this amazingly detailed account of a bucket-list trip. Awesome photography too which really makes the story jump off the page. I’m curious to know in which month you travelled? Apologies if you’ve already included it in the text and I’ve missed it. I’m planning to do the trip in late June ’23 and your notes will be the ‘Lonely Planet’ of the desert!
    Thanks& Regards


    • Peter
      27/04/2023 @ 9:22 AM

      G’day Boestey,

      Thanks for the message and feedback, really appreciate it.

      Most definitely a bucket list adventure. Absolutely loved this trip, so far the best of our desert crossings. We travelled at the start of August, so there had been many people through before us. The caretaker had left for the season at Old Andado Station Homestead, so it was really quiet there when we passed through. There will likely be more people around in June/July, but as you are travelling one way you will probably only bump into people when they are stopped for lunch or camp.

      If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to contact us.




  2. Kevin Waters-Marsh
    02/10/2022 @ 8:11 PM

    Thanks Peter for your great travel-log on the Madigan Line. Really enjoyed it, thanks. I also like very much your attitude towards respecting the bush and the environment and glad you printed about the ravages of toilet paper, one of my biggest pet hates. Thanks.
    I’ve joined your 4WD Adventure community, looking to find like minded adventurers while I plan my trips away. The Madigan Line and Hay River Tracks are the top of my list.
    Take care, stay safe and thank you.
    Kevin Waters-Marsh (Swampy)


    • Peter
      04/10/2022 @ 10:57 AM

      G’day Swampy,

      Thank you so much for your feedback mate, awesome to know that someone out there has found this enjoyable and helpful. And thanks for joining the community, I hope you find our future stories useful.

      Hopefully sharing the toilet paper mess and how one should actually use the toilet will help educate others that might not be fully aware. It will take some time, but I really hope we get there. Sharing this stuff on social media, it was quite interesting the responses I have got from some people that just did not know the best way, which was surprising to me. But glad we have got the message out there for change.

      I highly recommend the Madigan, it has been by far the best part of the Simpson Desert that I have seen. Although, I will take any time in the desert over a day of work that is for sure. When I do the Madigan again, I will definitely drive the Hay River Track south to the end and then back track to complete the Madigan. I was just a little unsure on fuel and distances this last trip, plus others travelling with us had to get back by a particular day which did limit us for time. Next trip I will also take the track north from Camp 11 which is the actual route Cecil Madigan took, the current track bypasses this but it is still accessible.

      If you ever have any questions feel free to send us an email or drop a comment below our posts.

      Thanks mate.




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